Elderly residence. Mas Piteu, Barcelona
13 October, 2016
893CM AQO_QUI Foto 03
Ophthalmology Surgical Area. Hospital Clinic
18 February, 2021

Center for the elderly. Zamora

1217RZ 03

Long-term care multi-service center for the elderly in Zamora




Gerència de Serveis Socials de Castella i Lleó


13.845 m2


Virai Arquitectos

LNG Arquitectos

The project seeks to solve an occupation in an irregular triangular-shaped plot that allows an adequate arrangement of the groups of living units. A first level as a plinth houses the entire common program (technical and public) and the day centre. On this plinth there are two independent buildings in which the living units are located. Each of these buildings includes two coexistence units per floor, which share a common core of communication, facilities, and services, which facilitates communication between the two units. This scheme is repeated on 3 floors. The project takes advantage of the possibilities offered by the topography of the land to be able to reduce the interference of the service accesses with the outdoor and more private landscaped areas in the highest part. There is a clear separation of technical uses and public uses, allowing the absence of interferences between the two circuits.